Appliances Manufacturing
Establishing fully digitized processes for Appliance Manufacturing and Supply Chain is essential to optimize the entire value chain.
CDOT ensures complete traceability for crucial components from raw materials to the ready-to-mount stage and beyond.
CDOT codes play a crucial role, particularly in digitizing essential materials involved in challenging processes in appliance manufacturing. They enable the extraction of data throughout the entire production process, facilitating enhanced monitoring and ensuring process stability.

CDOT codes are resistant to challenging appliance manufacturing applications, including enamel powder coating, furnacing, and painting. They perform effectively on a variety of materials commonly used in manufacturing, such as metals, glass, plastics, and stone.
Enamel powder
Reading after 120µ enamel
powder coating
Bad illumination

Reading after furnacing at 850°C/ 1562°F
Bad illumination

Moving objects
28° camera reading angle
Reading after 200µ paint layer


5 mm² CDOT®️ fasst 192 Bit / 32 alphanumerische Zeichen
Dekodierbar bei 90 % Blockierung
>99 %
Hält einer Dehnung bis zum Dreifachen seiner ursprünglichen Größe stand
Free your manufacturing from paper labels